Name | Unit | Rank | Expiration |
Guerrero, Perry
GUARNG Element | SFC | Lifetime |
Cruz, Joey
H Co. 29th Support Battalion | SFC | Lifetime |
Quiogue, Raynard
203rd Regional Training Institute | SFC | Lifetime |
Quitugua, Matthew
GUARNG Element | SFC | Lifetime |
Limtiaco, Frank
GUARNG Element | SFC | Lifetime |
Lujan, Melissa
Retirees | SFC | Lifetime |
Aquino, Ramina
SFC | Auto-Renewing | |
Chargualaf, Sera
SFC | Lifetime | |
Losongco, Joshua
C Co. 1-294th IN Regiment | SFC | Lifetime |
Guzman, Jonathan
Recruiting and Retention Battalion | SFC | Lifetime |
Malaca, Ewy Tyshale
GUARNG Element | SFC | Auto-Renewing |
Gumabon, James
HHC, 1-294th IN Regiment | SFC | Auto-Renewing |
Cunningham III, WIlliam
721st Army Band | SFC | Auto-Renewing |
Sudo, Melva
Recruiting and Retention Battalion | SFC | Auto-Renewing |
raigalipiy, damian
GUARNG Element | SFC | Auto-Renewing |
Retuyan, Erin
GUARNG Element | SFC | Lifetime |
Perez, Edward
Retirees | SGM | Lifetime |
Leon Guerrero, Noel
Retirees | SGM | Lifetime |
Meno, Bruce
GUARNG Element | SGM | Lifetime |
Blas, Manuel
GUARNG Element | SGM | Lifetime |
Concepcion-Biacan, Mayette
GUARNG Element | SGT | Lifetime |
Alvarez, Petermichael
HHC, 1-294th IN Regiment | SGT | Lifetime |
Penaflor, Vincent
HHC, 1-294th IN Regiment | SGT | Lifetime |
Lizama, Randall
D Co. 1-294th IN Regiment | SGT | Lifetime |
San Agustin, Therese
GUARNG Medical Detachment | SGT | Auto-Renewing |
Showing 25 of 315 members found. Show all.