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Name Unit Rank Expiration
TSgt Lifetime
Escobar, Jordanna
MSgt Auto-Renewing
Espinosa, Oscar
254th Security Forces Squadron TSgt Lifetime
Esteves, Fernando
HHC, 1-294th IN Regiment SGT Lifetime
Esteves, Fred
94th Civil Support Team SFC Lifetime
Eustaquio, Randy
A Co. 1-294th IN Regiment SSG Lifetime
Recruiting and Retention Battalion SFC Lifetime
Fejeran, Felix
254th Red Horse Squadron SSgt Auto-Renewing
Fejerang, Alana
254th Force Support Squadron TSgt Lifetime
Fernandez, Joshua Edward
GUARNG Element SPC Auto-Renewing
Flores, AndrewStephen
Recruiting and Retention Battalion PFC Auto-Renewing
Retirees CSM Lifetime
Flores, Frances
254th Red Horse Squadron SSgt Lifetime
Flores, Francis
254th Air Base Group SSgt Auto-Renewing
Flores, Jordan
C Co. 1-294th IN Regiment SSG Lifetime
Flores, Patrick
C Co. 1-294th IN Regiment SSG Auto-Renewing
Flores, Scott
TSgt Auto-Renewing
Fong, William
GUARNG Element SSG Lifetime
C Co. 1-294th IN Regiment SSG Lifetime
Franquez, Jesse
254th Force Support Squadron MSgt Auto-Renewing
Funtelar, Mary Jean
254th Red Horse Squadron SrA Lifetime
Gagaring, Melissa
254th Red Horse Squadron SSgt Lifetime
GUARNG Medical Detachment SSG Lifetime
Garrido, Georgina
254th Security Forces Squadron MSG Auto-Renewing
Gogo, Mayan
H Co. 29th Support Battalion SPC Auto-Renewing

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