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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Cruz, Victor
Retirees 1SG Lifetime
Cunningham III, WIlliam
721st Army Band SFC Auto-Renewing
GUARNG Element SFC Lifetime
Dacanay, Robert
254th Security Forces Squadron MSgt Lifetime
Dahilig, Carlito
1SG Auto-Renewing
Damian, Deon
254th Air Base Group SSgt Auto-Renewing
254th Air Base Group CMSgt Lifetime
Danieli, John
Retirees SFC Lifetime
De Guzman, Christian
254th Air Base Group SSgt Auto-Renewing
De Guzman, Kenneth
GUARNG Medical Detachment SSG Lifetime
Del Castillo, Jerico
721st Army Band SSG Auto-Renewing
Del Mundo, William
254th Red Horse Squadron TSgt Lifetime
SSG Lifetime
Diaz, George
Recruiting and Retention Battalion SFC Lifetime
Diaz, Matthew Peter
B Co. 1-294th IN Regiment SPC Lifetime
Diego, Kimberly
254th Force Support Squadron TSgt Auto-Renewing
254th Red Horse Squadron MSgt Lifetime
Dirige, Kevin
GUARNG Element SFC Lifetime
Dorion, Ruby
105th Troop Command HQ's SGT Lifetime
Duenas, Erica
GUARNG Element SSG Lifetime
Duenas, GarrettAnthony
SSG Lifetime
Duenas, Roman
MSgt Lifetime
Eclavea, Christine
94th Civil Support Team TSgt Lifetime
Eclavea, Sherri
254th Air Base Group TSgt Auto-Renewing
Elicio, Clarence
SFC Lifetime

Showing 25 of 315 members found. Show all.